Casino Affiliate Progam |
ReferBack is for all intents and purposes the leader of the casino affiliate program industry. Their 2-Tier Affiliate Program provides members with a hassle-free way of generating income on income. High commission structures ranging from 25% to 30% already make ReferBack a particularly attractive affiliate option. Combine this with the exceptionally high player retention at all of the partner casinos, and you have one of, if not THE top casino affiliate programs in the world. Choosing the 2-tier program means that every Webmaster you introduce to the program will begin to market on your behalf, thereby increasing your chances of success.
Not only are you guaranteed of fantastic returns on minimal effort, you also get unsurpassed service and support, which in turn ensures ongoing and long-term business. They also implement and manage personalized Affiliate Program Systems for Webmasters and provide support via advertising and e-mail campaigns. ReferBack also runs affiliate-specific welcome bonuses that are not available on the casino websites. This exclusivity also adds to the value of what you can offer to your players. So, if you're looking to earn some serious revenue, ReferBack is the solution.
- Up to 35% commission and 2% 2nd tier.
- 9 Casinos to choose from.
- Complete live stats available 24/7
- Receive payments by Infinia Card, Check, ACH and PayPal.
- Creatives include banners, text links, newsletters, reviews, flash games and more.
- Email & toll free 800 support.
Notes: The most popular casino affiliate program and rated #1 amongst casino portal webmasters. The good thing about Referback is that each casino activity is separate from the other meaning if you are negative with one casino it does NOT affect the revenue from others.
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